English carols: We wish you a merry Christmas
Good Christian men,rejoice
God rest you merry, gentlemen
When Christ was born of Maryfree
While shepherda watched thier flocks
The twelve daysof Christmas
On Christmas night (Sussex carol)
Blessed be that maid Marie
Once in royal David's city
Hark! The herald angels sing
As with gladness men of old
Angels from therealms of glory
Deck the hallswith boughs of holly
The snow lay on the ground
I heardthe bells on Christmas day
All my heart this night rejoices
There's a song in the air
It came upon the midnight clear
Olittle town of Bethlehem
Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight
Wethree kings of Orient are
Gather round the Christmas tree
"Twas in the moon ofwintertime
Rise up, shepherd and follow
Children, gowhere I send thee
Go tell it on the mountain
Hush, my babe, lie still and sllumber
Brightest and best(star of the east). French carols: Celebrons la naissance (We sing incelebration)
Il est ne, le divin enfant (He is born, the holy child)
Lesanges dans nos campagnes (Angel o'er the fields were singing)
Quittezpasteurs (O come away, ye shepherds)
Le sommeil de l"enfant Jesus (The sleepof the infant Jesus)
Quelle est cette odeur agreable? (What is that perfumeso applealing?)
Quoi, ma voisine, es-tu fachee? (Neighbor, what has you soexcited?)
Cantique de Noel (O holy night)
Ballade deJesus-Christ (Ballad of Jesus Christ)
Quoique soyez petit encore (Althoughyou still are weak and helpless)
Noel nouvelet ( Christmas comes anew)
Dors ma colombe (Noel Alsacien) (Sleep, little dove)
Berger, secoue tonsommeil profond (Shepherd, shake off your drowsy sleep)
Noel des ausels(Whence comes this rush of wings afar?)
La marche des rois (March of thekings)
Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle (Bring a torch, Jeeanette, Isabella)
D'ou viens-tu, bergere (Whence art thou, my maiden?). German carols: O du frohliche ( O how joyfully)
O tannenbaum (O Christmastree)
Klling, glockchen (Ring, little bells)
Ihr kinderlein, kommet (Ocome, little children)
Zu Bethlehem geboren In Bethlehem so lowly)
Alsich bei meinen schafen wacht (While my sheep)
Josef lieber Josef mein(Joseph dearest Joseph mine)
Am weinachtsbaum die lichter brennen (TheChristmas tree with it's candles burining)
O laufet, ihr hirten(Come running, you shepherds
Wiegenlied der hirten (Shepherds' cradle song
Lieb nachtigall, wach auf (Dear nightingale, awake)
Maria durch ein'dornwald ging (Maria wanders through the thorns)
Vom himmel hoch da komm'ich her (From heaven above to earth I come)
Ich steh' an deiner krippe hier(Beside thy cradle here I stand)
Wie schon leuchtet der morgenstern (Howbrightly shines the morning star)
Es wird scho glei dumpa (The twilight is falling)
Dadroben vom berge (Above, on the mountain).
Stille nacht, heilige nacht (Silent night, holy night)
Einkindlelin in der wiegen (A baby in the cradle)
De nederige geboorte (The simple birth)
Ons is geboren een kindekin(Today we welcome a tiny child). Scandinavian carols: Det kimer nu tiljulefest (The happy Christmas comes once more)
Deilig er den himmel blaa(lovely is the dark blue sky)
Et barn er fodt IBethleheim (A child is born in Bethleheim)
Nu aaar det jul igen (Yuletide ishere again)
Nar juldagsmorgon glimmar (When Christmas morn is dawning)
Her kommer dine arme smaa (Thy little ones, dear Lord, are we)
Du gronne,glitrende tre, god-dag (You green and glittering tree, good day)
O Christmas, you season of childhood delight)
Jeg er saa gladhver Julekveld ( I am so glad on Christmas eve). Slavic Carols: W zlobielezy (Dziasiaj w Betlehem (O come rejoicing)
O gwiazdo Betlejemska ( O staro'er Bethlehem shining)
Gdy sie Chrystus rodzi (Christ is born this evening)
Przybiezeli do Betejem (Shepherds came to Bethlehem)
Mizerna cicha (Onlya manger bed)
Sliczna panienka (Carol of the hay)
Wsrod nocnej ciszy (Inmidnight's silence).
Lulajze jezuniu (Polish lullaby)
Pochvalen bud' Jezis Kristus(Praise to Jesus, our salvation)
Pujdem spolu do betlema (We are going tothe stable)
Hajej, nynej, Jezisku (Rocking carol)
Slyseli jsme v Betleme(We have heard in Bethlehem)
Sel bych rad k Betlemu (I go to Bethlehem)
Chtic aby spal, tak zpivala (Sweet Mary sings her babe to sleep)
Nesem vamnoviny (Kommet, ihr hirten) (Come, hear the wonderful tidings)
Sus in poartaraiului (At the gates of heaven above)
Meny ar angyal (Angels from heaven. Italian carols: Canzone d'i zampognari (Carol of the bagpipers)
Tu scendidalle stelle ( From starry skies thou cometh)
Gesu bambin l'a nato (Jesus,the new-born baby)
Dormi, dormi, o bel bambin (Sleep, o sleep, my lovelychild). Spanish carols: A la nanita nana
Ya viene la vieja (Come, my dearold lady)
Los posada (Thou art well content)
Fum, fum, fum (Foom, foom,foom)
El noi de las Mare (The son of Mary)
Sant Josep i la Mare de Deu(Holy Joseph and Mary the maid
El Rei Herodes (King Herod)
El Desembrecongelat (The icy December)
El cant dels ocells (Carol of the birds)
Falade ben baixo (We'll speak very softly)
Oi Betlehem (O Bethlehem)
EnBelen tocan a fuego ( A fire started in Bethlehem)
Campana sobre campana(Bell's over Bethlehem)
Chiquirriquitin (O my loveliest one)
En el portalde Belen (In Bethlehem's cradle)
El santo nino (The holy child)
A lamedia noche (At the hour of midnight)
De tierra lejana venimos (Song of thewise men)
Pastores a Belen (Shepherds of Bethlehem)
Cantemos (We are singing)
Como busca el tierno infante (As thefrightened baby Jesus)
Vamos a Belen (Going toBethlehem)
En nombre del cielo (Pray give us lodging)
Vamos, pastorcitos (hasten now, o shepherds). Latin carols: Veni, Emmanuel(O come, o come, Emmanuel)
Corde natus ex parentis (Of the Father's lovebegotten)
Puer natus in Bethlehem (A boy is born in Bethlehem)
Quempastores laudavere (Whom of old the shepherds praised)
Adeste fideles (Ocome, all ye faithful).